Marbas | Botis
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Headmaster MARBAS appears as a lion, but changes his shape to that of a beautiful man when requested. 
He teaches medicine, the mechanical arts, nigromancy and astronomy. He promotes wisdom, brings and cures diseases, changes people into other shapes, and gives full answers about matters hidden or secret.
Practitioners who invoke Marbas often conduct healing rituals where he is asked to assist with physical or emotional ailments. Marbas's role in transformation also makes him valuable for spells targeting personal growth, changes in circumstances, or even altering perceptions.
Offerings typically include herbs associated with healing, such as rosemary or chamomile, and practitioners may use yellow or orange candles to align with his planetary associations. 
Frankincense or myrrh incense, whiskey, herbal teas, and honey are all suitable offerings. 
Marbas has astrological associations with Aries. His influence is typically strongest when practitioners perform rituals during this zodiac window and align their intentions with themes of empowerment and renewal. He should ideally be summoned on a Tuesday. 
Marbas is associated with truth and discipline. He tends to be blunt in his communication, offering honest insights to help people confront their flaws or weaknesses. While generally good-natured and even humorous at times, he is known to adopt a more menacing demeanor towards arrogance and towards those with malicious intent. 
Practitioners report that Marbas appreciates structured rituals that focus on clarity and intention, particularly with a goal related to health or personal change. They caution against invoking him frivolously or with unclear intentions. Some emphasize that, once invited, Marbas expects follow-through and commitment. These practitioners note that he can be quite demanding, pushing individuals to confront hard truths or change habits that no longer serve them. It is recommended to dress well during rituals with Marbas, and to approach him in a calm, focused state. Politeness and honesty are crucial.  
Some practitioners have reported that Marbas communicates through subtle but direct mental messages or energetic sensations, such as guiding them on how to work with his sigil and energy effectively. Phenomena linked with his presence include sudden clarity or healing experiences, as well as shifts in how a situation unfolds. Feelings of warmth or of healing energy may also be felt in the ritual space, along with subtle shifts in air quality. 
Earl BOTIS appears as a viper, or as a man with two horns, large teeth, and a bright, sharp sword.  
His office is to reconcile friends and foes, and to give love and grace to all persons. 
You may ask him any question about past, present, or future. He always answers truthfully.
Common offerings include items tied to knowledge and growth, such as books, scrolls, or writing tools. 
Green candles are often used to symbolize renewal, aligning with Botis's association with personal transformation and growth. 
Aromatic offerings like sandalwood or frankincense are valued, as they help create a focused and calm atmosphere for invoking him. Lavender or lemongrass incense are also suggested. 
Symbols of harmony or objects that represent balance-- such as olive fruits, or scales-- can resonate with his conflict-resolution abilities. 
Many practitioners wear or keep the sigil of Botis nearby, especially in situations where conflict resolution is needed. 
He is aligned with Mercury, which emphasizes his strengths in communication, intellect, and foresight. This planetary association enhances his ability to reveal truths and guide practitioners in future planning or uncovering hidden motives. Elementally, Botis is connected to water, reflecting his role in emotional healing, intuition, and transformation-- traits symbolized by his serpent form, which denotes rebirth. 
Before summoning Botis, prepare a quiet and sacred area free from distractions or negative energy. Clearly state your intentions, and approach him with humility. Never “command and compel” him: rather, request his presence and guidance respectfully. Since Botis is known to influence interpersonal dynamics positively, behaving disrespectfully towards him can lead to undesirable outcomes. 
After any interactions, take time to reflect on any insights or messages received. Keeping a journal can be beneficial for understanding the guidance he provides. 
If you feel Botis's presence in a situation (such as a conflict), it's crucial to heed his warnings. Some practitioners have noted consequences for neglecting to maintain a connection with him. Practitioners highlight the importance of building a genuine relationship with Botis, emphasizing that mutual respect and understanding are key to benefitting from his powers. If Botis feels disrespected, he might aggravate conflicts, rather than resolve them. 
Practitioners should prepare thoroughly and be mindful that Botis's revelations can be challenging, sometimes uncovering uncomfortable truths. His guidance aims to promote clarity and resolution, but may require confronting difficult realities along the way. Thus, approaching him with clear intent, focus, and sincerity is essential to ensure a meaningful and constructive experience. 
While it can be tempting to work with multiple Goetia spirits at once, Botis advises caution in this area: it's essential to avoid overwhelming yourself. Consider summoning him alone, or with the oversight of his court leader Oriens. 
When invoking Botis, practitioners may feel sensations of clarity or insight, along with a sense of emotional release. Some report feeling coolness or tingling around their head or chest. His presence is often described as calming yet vigilant.

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