Agares | Vepar | Eligos | Bathin | Gusion
Previous: The Royal Family
Duke AGARES appears as a mild and benign old man, carrying a gohawk and riding on a crocodile; or, alternatively, he appears in the form of a beautiful woman.
He teaches all languages (including ancient or forgotten ones), makes those who run stand still, returns runaways, promotes worship, promotes and overthrows all dignities, and causes earthquakes by making the spirits of the Earth dance.
Agares is invoked to enhance communication or fluency. Additionally, he can induce motivation where it is lacking, helping people overcome stagnation. Some practitioners work with him to instill momentum in personal projects, or to stir up rebellious energy.
Since Agares is associated with language and communication, practitioners often incorporate elements of multiple languages, chants, or written words into rituals. They may also present him with pens and notebooks.
Bread and flowers are both common offerings.
Rituals involving stones, soil, sand, or earthen colors like brown or green are believed to appeal to him.
Yellow candles may also be used, representing knowledge and action.
Patchouli or sandalwood incense is often burned to invite his presence.
He dislikes being summoned into spaces with a heavy Christian presence. He prefers to be outdoors.
Agares is thought to appreciate sincerity, especially from those seeking to improve or recover skills. He is seen as a demon who values genuine self-improvement, and may not respond well to those who approach him with uncertainty, or a lack of determination to learning and growth. He is associated with clear communication, so deceptive or hidden motives may lead to unintended results. He responds poorly to flattery and to shallowness.
Some summoners report a feeling of groundedness, heaviness, or even minor tremors during rituals with Agares. When he is summoned for language learning, practitioners may experience an intuitive understanding of new words, or a heightened ability to learn and recall languages. His presence often brings a sense of stability, mental resilience, or a drive to overcome obstacles. This grounding energy can be especially helpful in achieving goals related to learning or recovery.
Duchess VEPAR appears as a mermaid.
She is a guide to the waters, and a protector of warships.
She causes rough seas, storms, and fatal wounds at sea. She can summon ghost ships as an omen.
Vepar can aid in emotional work, helping to discover inner truths, regulate emotions, or instill toxic emotions in others when needed. Practitioners find Vepar to be approachable and helpful in emotional stabilization, psychological clarity, and protective magic, especially for sailors and maritime travel. She is often sought for assistance in concealment, guidance through complex emotional depths, and protection during travels, particularly by sea. She can be invoked to help with recovery from illness; or she can be invoked to inflict illness upon enemies. These illnesses often manifesting as mysterious or water-related afflictions.
Vepar favors offerings that resonate with the ocean and its mysteries. These can include seashells, saltwater, coral, and blue candles. Practitioners sometimes offer fish or other items related to marine life.
Dark wines, silver jewelry, or obsidian can be used to appeal to her nature, as these items reflect her influence over the more hidden, shadowy aspects of the natural world.
Her rituals are typically performed with water elements, such as placing her sigil in a glass of saltwater. Vepar is nocturnal, and it is recommended to invoke her under the night sky, ideally near water sources.
Vepar appreciates patience and calm, as she embodies the deep and sometimes slow-moving nature of water. Practitioners say she dislikes abrupt, chaotic energies, and those invoking her are advised to approach her with a relaxed, introspective mindset. She seems responsive to practitioners who approach her with a tranquil demeanor, and who show respect for the ocean. Practitioners highlight the importance of preparing mentally and emotionally, as her energy is deep and can reveal truths that initially feel unsettling.
Her presence is often associated with watery or cooling sensations, such as feeling a sudden drop in temperature or experiencing dreams of the ocean. Practitioners sometimes notice a dampness or smell of saltwater when she is invoked. Her arrival may also be marked by feelings of heaviness or of an enveloping calm, similar to the feeling of being submerged.
Duke ELIGOS appears as a handsome knight who carries a lance, scepter, serpent, or shield.
He discloses secrets, and can give advice on wars and on how soldiers will meet in battle.
He can give the love and favor of kings, princes, knights, and lords.
Eligos has the ability to foresee conflicts and influence their outcomes. Practitioners often seek his guidance in legal disputes, political struggles, or business competitions. He is also invoked to uncover hidden motives and enemies, making him valuable in conflict resolution or espionage. He is said to inspire courage and resourcefulness in those who work with him.
Eligos is associated with Venus, which lends him powers of charm, attraction, and diplomacy. This influence enables him to manipulate situations subtly through negotiation and allure, rather than through brute force. While his powers can be helpful in love and in forming alliances, he is best approached by experienced practitioners, as he demands respect, preparation, and clarity of purpose.
As a spirit of strategy and battle, Eligos favors offerings that symbolize power, authority, and loyalty. These might include weapons like daggers or spears (either miniature or symbolic), red wine, or iron objects, as iron represents strength and endurance in conflict.
Other offerings can include incense like dragon’s blood, which aligns with his fiery and martial nature, as well as laurel leaves or olive branches, symbolizing victory and peace after battle.
To honor his martial focus, practitioners may offer red or black candles.
Practitioners recommend approaching Eligos with a focused mind and a clear, well-thought-out request, as he is said to favor structured and serious invocations. He appreciates loyalty, respect, and dedication from those who are clear about their goals. He favors those who seek not only victory, but also wisdom and insight. Honor and strategic thinking also gain his favor. He dislikes frivolity or a lack of purpose, and those who approach him without seriousness or with recklessness may find his presence unyielding or indifferent.
Invocations to Eligos may be accompanied by sensations of energy or tension, a heightened awareness, or an almost anticipatory feeling, as though preparing for a confrontation. His presence is intense but calming, bringing focus and strategic clarity. Some report hearing faint sounds of marching or of horses’ hooves during rituals.
Duke BATHIN appears as a fire-breathing bear with a serpent’s tail; or, as a very strong man with a serpent's tail, who rides a pale horse.
He teaches the virtues of herbs, stones, and trees. He can transfer a person between regions instantaneously.
His knowledge extends to astral travel, which makes him highly valued by practitioners seeking spiritual exploration and transportation beyond the physical realm. For those embarking on physical journeys, he is believed to offer protection and guidance. Bathin also offers guidance in developing psychic perception, and enhances both prosperity work and destructive magic.
Practitioners frequently offer herbs, particularly those associated with spiritual journeys and protection, such as sage, mugwort, or bay leaves.
Amethyst, lapis lazuli, or hematite are favored, as they align with his knowledge of stones and earth-based energies.
Silver items or coins, representing his connection to pathways and crossings, are common offerings.
Green or purple candles are used to honor his presence, as is sandalwood incense.
He is generally considered most potent during spring and autumn, especially around the spring and autumn equinoxes: times associated with the balance of light and dark. These transitional periods mirror Bathin's connection to movement, travel, and change.
His powers over transportation and swift passage align with Mercurial qualities: those who work with him might find that Wednesdays enhance rituals or petitions related to travel, movement, and discovery.
Bathin appreciates patience and an open mind, favoring those who are willing to explore and learn rather than rush through their journeys. Practitioners say he dislikes hasty or careless energy, particularly when it comes to matters of the spirit and travel between realms. Those who approach him with a respectful, curious attitude are believed to gain his favor, while those who are dismissive, closed to new experiences, or who seek instant results may find him unresponsive or elusive. He values dedication to the craft, and responds best to practitioners who prepare thoughtfully.
His presence is often sensed through feelings of calmness and subtle sensations of movement, like a soft breeze or a gentle pull. Practitioners have reported vivid dreams or visions that feel like traveling to distant places and encountering strange landscapes, or meeting spirit guides.
Duke GUSION appears as a dog, or as a man with a dog’s head.
He answers all questions regarding past, present, and future; expounds on all questions; reveals secrets; and gives grace and love to all people on Earth by reconciling friends, appeasing the enmities of foes, distributing honors, dignities, and riches, and granting the favor of the great.
Gusion brings clarity and helps shift self-doubt. His influence is especially beneficial in personal relationships, helping to heal rifts and promote understanding between conflicting parties. Gusion is frequently invoked for guidance in understanding the truth behind complex situations, and is known for his ability to reveal hidden motives. He is also valued for his ability to assist with self-knowledge, making him an ally for those on journeys of personal growth.
Gusion is linked to the element of Water, which reflects emotional depth and adaptability. He is also linked to Venus and Mercury.
Offerings of silver, candles (especially in blue, white, or yellow), and frankincense are recommended.
Clear quartz crystals, sapphire, and books are suitable offerings.
Practitioners may also offer mirrors or reflective surfaces as symbols of self-reflection and truth-seeking.
Other offerings include calming herbs like chamomile, lavender, or sandalwood incense, which enhance his gentle yet revealing energy.
Using Gusion's sigil during rituals can strengthen the connection.
Engage Gusion with honest requests, especially related to resolving disputes or seeking clarity in challenging situations. He responds well to humility, sincere questions, and clear intent, favoring rituals that are well-prepared, and that focus on intellectual or emotional clarity. It's important to approach him with a genuine intention to learn and to resolve inner or relational conflicts. He dislikes those who seek answers for purely selfish gain, or who are unwilling to confront their own faults and limitations. Gusion may give distorted insights to those who seek out his knowledge for deceptive or manipulative reasons, providing information that is incomplete, unclear, or misleading. He may also expose their own falsehoods, harming their credibility and relationships.
Rituals with Gusion are often marked by a sense of being watched over thoughtfully. Practitioners sometimes experience sudden realizations or intuitive insights, feeling as if hidden truths are being revealed to them. His presence is described as calming, like a quiet, steady light that brings clarity to unclear thoughts or emotions.
Next: Barbatos