ORIENS is queen of the East Wind, and of the Eastern Court. 
She teaches magical experiments, and all of the sciences. She reveals truths about the past, the present, and the future. Oriens also has powers related to necromancy, including reviving the dead and offering familiars to practitioners. You may ask her any question. 
She rides an elephant in a great parade of spirits, all dancing and playing drums and trumpets. She always travels with her two kings: BAEL and PURSON. If asked to come alone, she may do so transformed into a horse with either five or five hundred heads. 
Her power is great, according to the ancients. 
If angered, she will cross those who do not make proper offerings to her, unless an offering of money is made, or unless you are a person who teaches science.
Oriens is often approached for matters involving hidden knowledge, enlightenment, and assistance with leadership or influence. She is a good choice for ambitious rituals that require powerful results; but practitioners emphasize the need for clarity and precision when working with her. 
Oriens is thought to favor items that symbolize light, power, and wealth. Common offerings include: 
Frankincense: This is considered essential for calling on Oriens. Practitioners may also leave offerings of myrrh or other aromatic resins.
Red wine or blood-like substances align with her connections to both fire and wisdom. 
Candles, especially red or gold, are frequently used to honor her, as they reflect her ties to the dawn and to the powerful illumination of knowledge.
Shiny or ornate objects, including gold coins or jewelry, can be offered to win her favor, as she is associated with wealth and prosperity.
Oriens's sigil should be prominently displayed during the ritual, usually in the center of the altar. 
The optimal time for summoning her is during sunrise, which enhances her powers and aligns with her dominion over the East. Oriens  appreciates a clean, brightly-lit room. 
Oriens is drawn to rituals that are meticulously planned and precise. She favors respectful language and formality, so practitioners might use invocations that emphasize her status and authority. She favors those who can demonstrate calm command over the ritual space.
She can be displeased by casual or hastily-prepared rituals, and frowns on disarray. Lack of attention to ritual detail may lead to unfavorable results. Oriens values patience and diligence, so rushing the ritual or signaling impatience is seen as disrespectful. Showing a lack of respect for her rank during invocation can result in hostility. According to some accounts, she can become disruptive if summoned without clear purpose or focus. 
Some practitioners report changes in the environment, such as a sudden gust of wind, when Oriens is summoned. Unexplained sounds, like bells or deep tones, are also noted as signs of her presence. 

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