Asmoday | Beleth & Gaap | Ebeyeth | Ipos
Previous: Amaymon
ASMODAY appears as a three-headed king. One of his heads is like a ram; one is like a bull; and one is like a man. He has a serpent's tail, and feet that are webbed like a goose. He rides a dragon, and carries a lance and a flag. 
He teaches astronomy, arithmetic, music, geometry, the mechanical arts, and the skills needed to survive in dangerous situations. 
He reveals secrets, such as the locations of hidden treasures. He gives a "ring of great virtue"*, and has the ability to produce food, especially in vast quantities for banquets. 
He can transmute metals, and change the shapes of people and animals. 
He can cause or heal discord; and he can drive the hearts of women and men to wrath, desire, or lust. 
He answers all questions truthfully.
Asmoday is often associated with gold and symbols of knowledge, such as books. These offerings reflect his royal status and his role as a keeper of hidden wisdom.
 Wine, sweet treats, and flowers are also recommended offerings. 
Asmoday should only be summoned at night, as he hates bright sunlight. He also dislikes overly-formal rituals, preferring rituals that are performed outdoors where the conjurer remains standing and uncovered.  He is known to be easily offended by insincerity or disrespect. It's crucial for practitioners to approach him with humility and intentionality: failure to do so can lead to mischief or retaliation. Intentions should be clearly stated, and it is important not to rush through the process. 
In rituals with Asmoday, practitioners report feeling sensations of warmth and heightened emotional energy. Cold spots or sudden fluctuations in temperature may also be noted. Some hear whispers or subtle music in the background. Many describe an intense feeling of pressure during his rituals. Some report visual disturbances, such as flickering lights or shadows, especially in dimly lit environments. Others claim to see shapes or figures that appear briefly during invocations. Whispering sounds or low growls may accompany his presence. Practitioners often describe hearing a distinct voice that offers advice or responds to their queries. After working with Asmoday, many report experiencing vivid dreams or a heightened sense of intuition. These dreams can include symbolic messages or guidance related to personal desires and ambitions. 
*This may be the Ring of Solomon, used by the king to bind and control demons before Asmoday tricked him out of it. 
Queen BELETH* appears as a woman on a pale horse, or as a damaged icon. She may also first appear in a frightening form, to test the courage of the conjurer. Once the conjurer has proved themselves, she will take on a calmer demeanor. She is accompanied by all kinds of music. 
She teaches the liberal arts, and grants one the subtlety needed to survive in dangerous situations. 
She is a doctor and a leader of women, who causes women to love men and men to love women, but she can also bring hatred. 
She can make good or evil consecrations, especially of things belonging to the domain of King AMAYMON
She can make a person insensible or ignorant, and can steal other people's familiars. 
She can carry a person at fast speeds from one kingdom to another.
She will truthfully answer questions about the past, present, or future. 
Summoning Beleth typically involves the use of a scrying mirror. The rituals often require specific materials such as iron (which represents power), candles (preferably red), and incense. 
Offerings of wine are encouraged, as a way to soften her initial fury and encourage cooperation. 
Rituals often involve music and symbols of authority, and should be performed with respect and reverence. 
Silver rings worn on the left hand symbolize respect during summoning. 
Beleth is associated with the element of Fire, symbolizing transformation and power, and is linked to Mars, which underscores her themes of authority and aggression. 
Fear or hesitation from the conjurer can lead to resistance from Beleth. Lack of proper respect and ceremonial preparation may result in unfavorable outcomes. She is said to stir feelings of fear and dread in practitioners who command her harshly. 
When invoking her, it is recommended to meditate on themes of authority and fear, reflecting on how these concepts influence personal and collective realities.
Practitioners often report intense energies during rituals involving Beleth, reflecting both her commanding presence and the dual nature of power—creation and destruction. Significant temperature fluctuations are also common. This may be accompanied by an increased sensitivity in the solar plexus area. When Beleth is summoned, practitioners frequently report hearing strange or eerie music. Some have noted heightened physical responses, particularly relating to feelings of attraction or sexual energy, which align with her powers over love and desire. Some have the feeling of being touched. When practitioners utilize mirrors as tools for scrying, they often report seeing visual distortions or strange reflections. 
*Beleth may be (or be an emanation of) the spirit named GAAP in some grimoires. Beleth and Gaap (who appears androgynously, or as a man or a woman) may be two aspects of a single spirit. 
Gaap is known to facilitate communication, and can summon the spirits of the dead. He can reveal knowledge about the past, preset, and future, making him valuable for divination. He can influence the minds of others, particularly in matters of understanding and persuasion. He can incite love and provide medical care for women, transforming them to make it easier for them to find lovers (but also rendering them infertile). He teaches philosophy and the liberal arts, and can teach one the subtlety needed to survive in dangerous situations. He can also steal familiars from other practitioners, make people insensible or ignorant, and carry people between kingdoms. He was once in the Order of Potestates**. 
Common offerings include: 
Frankincense, myrrh, or sandalwood incense
Small items of personal significance
Black candles, symbolizing protection and secretude, and purple candles, representing power and wisdom. 
Wine, whiskey, or brandy
Some suggest offering food or drink that resonates with one's intentions. Sweet foods, such as honey, cakes, or fruit can symbolize goodwill and generosity. 
Written intentions, questions, or requests. Some suggest placing this request under the candle. 
When making requests to Gaap, it is important to have clear and sincere intentions. He is displeased by insincerity, and by a lack of respect during rituals. Negative emotions, chaotic environments, or a lack of focus can hinder the connection with him. 
Some report vivid dreams or visions after rituals with Gaap, often gaining insight or clarity in their life situations. Practitioners may experience an increased sense of intuition, or sudden insights may occur regarding the matters for which Gaap was invoked. Those attempting to contact other spirits, especially the spirits of the dead, might find that their attempts become easier and more pronounced after workings with Gaap. 
**The Potestates are responsible for maintaining cosmic order and harmony. They grant fortitude, self-discipline, and provide guidance in ethical decisions, helping ensure that the righteous prevail in the long run. 
Queen EBEYETH appears as a floating head wearing a diadem. Musicians precede her arrival.
She teaches languages and the seven liberal sciences. She grants friendships; knows the types of spirits that are best to take for familiars; and gives true answers to all questions.
Ebeyeth is associated with gaining knowledge, particularly about others' thoughts and intentions. She has the ability to grant insights into people's minds, making her a valuable ally for those seeking clarity in relationships or negotiations. She is also said to offer protection, especially from deception and treachery. 
Rituals invoking Ebeyeth typically include elements that encourage openness, such as lighting candles or creating a calm, meditative environment. 
Practitioners might use sigils or symbols representing clarity and knowledge.
 Incorporating herbs associated with mental acuity or protection can also enhance the connection. 
Practitioners note that Ebeyeth appreciates rituals that involve sincerity and transparency. She tends to favor offerings that reflect these themes, such as symbolic items representing clarity or truth, and may respond well to prayers or invocations made with genuine intent. She dislikes rituals that involve any kind of deceit or manipulation. 
Ebeyeth is linked to moments of sudden clarity or insight, particularly when navigating complex interpersonal dynamics. Practitioners report experiencing heightened intuition or a sense of "knowing" when working with her, especially in contexts where understanding others' motivations is crucial. 
Prince IPOS appears as a mysterious angel with the features of a lion, a goose, and a hare.
He teaches the planting of fruit trees, and how to plant from seed. He knows the virtues of herbs and stones, and will answer questions on both the past and the future. He has dominion over the building of houses, and over the division of lands, woods, and waters. He is able to still rough waters.
Petition Ipos for greater wit and courage. He is particularly valuable for those seeking to navigate complex social situations or improve their charisma and confidence. 
Ipos is known for his capacity to uncover hidden motives and intentions, making him a trusted ally in personal, professional, or legal matters. He can also aid in leadership or public speaking. Ipos helps practitioners anticipate future challenges and opportunities, allowing for informed decision-making. 
Ipos is linked to the planet Jupiter, which symbolizes expansion, wisdom, and luck, enhancing his abilities related to personal growth and charisma. Elementally, he is associated with Water, reflecting intuition and the fluid nature of relationships. This connection can be emphasized in rituals through the use of water-related symbols or items.
Rituals to summon Ipos should involve a clear intention, especially related to self-improvement and understanding the motives of others. Offerings may include items that symbolize personal growth, like books, scrolls, or leadership symbols, along with yellow or gold candles. 
His sigil is essential for invocation, and should be inscribed on parchment. 
Other common offerings include sandalwood and frankincense, which facilitate communication. 
Ipos also enjoys the inclusion of personal artifacts within rituals. 
Practitioners emphasize the importance of creating a quiet space when summoning Ipos, and of expressing clear intentions. The ritual should be approached with seriousness and respect.  Ipos prefers that practitioners come to him with emotional grounding. Those who approach without clear goals or the willingness to confront personal truths may struggle to access his insights. Being flippant or disrespectful during the summoning can lead to unintended consequences. Practitioners advise against demanding anything from Ipos: he prefers to be treated as an equal, never as a subordinate. He may weaken, rather than enhance, the confidence of authoritarian practitioners. 
Many report experiencing specific sensations when invoking Ipos, such as a drop in temperature, sounds resembling gentle winds, or feelings of lightness and clarity. 

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