Decarabia | Kimaris | Forneus | Ronove | Sabnock
Marquise DECARABIA appears as a swan, or as a five-pointed star.
She knows every species of bird, and all the properties of precious stones. 
She causes birds to appear for purposes of divination.
She is associated with the power of transformation, and is said to assist witches in shapeshifting into birds or bats, enabling them to explore unseen realms and gain insights from the astral planes. She is also known for assisting with inner transformations for growth, healing, or for changes in circumstances. She helps uncover truths and dispel deceptions, allowing for greater clarity in magical workings. She is also associated with the arts, particularly music, and has knowledge of herbs and of the secrets of the natural world. Decarabia is frequently invoked for guidance in artistic endeavors, including music, painting, and writing. Practitioners seek her help to overcome creative blocks, or to enhance their skills in the arts. Those who work with her often find that she can provide insights into the natural world, helping them to connect with the energies of plants, animals, and the environment.
Decarabia is thought to appreciate offerings that reflect her connections to nature, transformation, and the arts. Practitioners often present her with living plants and stones. Herbs are also suitable, particularly those associated with healing and magic, such as basil, rosemary, or sage. 
Other offerings might include musical instruments, art supplies, or items that symbolize creativity and expression, such as yellow or green candles.
Jasmine or sandalwood incense, which can enhance creativity and inspiration, is also favored. 
Practitioners may also offer images or representations of birds. 
Decarabia appreciates creativity and a genuine appreciation for nature. She responds well to practitioners who come with an open heart and a desire to explore artistic or natural pursuits. Conversely, she may be unresponsive to those who approach her with insincerity or with a lack of respect for the creative process.  She thrives in environments that encourage exploration and artistic expression. When working with her, practitioners emphasize the importance of a joyful, open, and respectful approach to creativity and nature.
Decarabia may not respond well to rituals that involve artificial or unnatural elements. Disrespect toward nature or attempts to control her gifts for malevolent purposes may lead to her withdrawal. She dislikes harshness or cruelty towards animals. She may curse those who mistreat animals with a persistent sense of unease, and with the loss of connection to nature. 
Decarabia's rituals often manifest in the form of enhanced intuition regarding natural elements, increased communication with animals (particularly birds), and a greater understanding of herbal magic. During rituals, many practitioners report seeing glimpses of movement in their peripheral vision. Decarabia’s presence is often described as light, uplifting, and inspiring. Practitioners report feeling an influx of creative energy or bursts of inspiration when working with her. Her influence may manifest as a sense of clarity in artistic endeavors, or as the sudden arrival of new ideas. Sounds associated with her presence may include birdsong or gentle rustling. Practitioners report experiencing vivid dreams or insights into their personal challenges following rituals with Decarabia. 
Marquis KIMARIS appears as a warrior riding a black horse with two additional heads: that of a bird, and that of a fish.
He reigns over the regions of Africa, teaches grammar, logic, rhetoric, and theology, and reveals the location of treasures and hidden things, which he opens to people. 
He allows people to pass seas, waters, and floods safely and quickly, whether they travel by ship, horse, or boat. He can help a person become a strong warrior. 
Kimaris is associated with protection, knowledge of the past, and with the ability to reveal hidden truths. He is often invoked for guidance in matters of strategy, protection, and overcoming challenges. Practitioners seek his assistance in planning actions, whether in warfare, personal conflicts, or competitive situations. Known for his ability to help with tactical decisions and to provide insights into the past, he allows practitioners to learn from history and to apply its lessons to their current circumstances. He can offer protection and support during difficult times, helping individuals face their fears and challenges head-on.
Suggested offerings include items representing knowledge, such as books or scrolls, and gifts that symbolize valor, like medals or weapons (ex. daggers or swords.)
Practitioners often present red candles, representing courage and strength, and frankincense or myrrh incense, which symbolizes purification and protection.
 Other offerings may include herbs like black pepper or garlic, believed to ward off negative energies.
 Practitioners might also use representations of horses or knights in their offerings, honoring his equestrian aspect and warrior spirit.
 Ceremonies invoking strength, learning, or treasure hunting are likely favored. Specific rites may involve the use of symbols associated with horses or military imagery.
Kimaris appreciates courage, honor, and respect for the warrior ethos. He responds positively to practitioners who approach him with genuine intentions and clear purpose, particularly those seeking guidance in matters of strategy or protection. He dislikes cowardice, deception, and dishonorable intentions. Practitioners are encouraged to enter rituals with a strong, focused mindset, as he is more likely to respond favorably to those who demonstrate bravery and determination. When working with Kimaris, practitioners emphasize the importance of approaching him with respect for the warrior’s path, and with a sincere desire for guidance. His influence is empowering and protective, often fostering a sense of courage and determination in those who seek his assistance.
Practitioners may experience sensations of warmth or empowerment during rituals, as well as heightened awareness of their surroundings, often accompanied by a sense of urgency or readiness for action. Some report experiencing sounds like the clanging of armor or the thundering of hooves.  Many report experiences involving heightened focus and clarity of thought when invoking him, as well as physical manifestations of strength or courage.
Marquis FORNEUS appears as the Capricorn.
He teaches rhetoric and languages, gives good repute, and makes one beloved to friends and foes. He is partly aligned with the Order of Thrones*. 
Forneus appreciates rituals that incorporate elements of water. Invocations that emphasize communication, eloquence, and diplomacy may resonate well with him. Offerings of seashells or water-themed items might be particularly appealing. 
He tends to be averse to harsh or aggressive approaches, preferring diplomacy and goodwill over confrontation. Rituals that involve conflict or negativity will not align with his essence. 
Practitioners may experience enhanced creativity and improved relationships following successful invocations. His influence can lead to diplomatic solutions in challenging situations, and to better understanding among conflicting parties. 
*The Thrones maintain cosmic balance and deliver divine justice. They are intermediaries who carry humanity's prayers to higher angelic orders. They are said to possess knowledge of divine mysteries, which they may share with humanity, especially regarding matters of truth and justice. They inspire stability, patience, and the endurance of hardships. 
Marquis RONOVE** appears as a monster.
He teaches the art of rhetoric and gives good servants, knowledge of languages, and the favor of friends and foes. 
Ronove is often referred to as the Demon of Knowledge, imparting wisdom in rhetoric and poetry. He can make individuals more charming and attractive to others, helping to shift perceptions and gain favor. Ronove has the ability to control fire and to move objects with his mind, skills he can teach to those who summon him. While he has a friendly demeanor, he can also bring about the demise of enemies through illness or afflictions. 
Ronove is associated with the elements of air and fire. His sigil and colors (purple, yellow, and violet) often accompany rituals. 
Jasmine and cinnamon are linked to him, and can enhance the ritual's efficacy. 
The best times to summon Ronove are during the day, particularly from December 13-21 and August 2-7. 
Ronove enjoys when practitioners seek knowledge about the demon realm. He appreciates open-mindedness and a willingness to explore. Rituals that involve speaking, negotiation, and the arts of communication are favored, particularly those that showcase creativity. He may not respond well to those who approach rituals with skepticism, or with hostility towards the spirit world. Activities without a clear intent or goal may not attract his interest. 
**Ronove may be a cipher for the name Oberon-- or Overon-- if one reads the name on his seal clockwise, from the "O" at the bottom rather than from the "R" at the top. 
Marquis SABNOCK appears as an armed soldier with the head of a lion, riding a pale horse.
He builds high towers, castles, and cities, and fills them with weapons. He can inflict a person with fatally infected wounds, and practitioners may invoke him for understanding or alleviating such afflictions. 
To transform your appearance, petition Sabnock. He also gives good familiars, and offers knowledge in areas like alchemy and philosophy. 
Sabnock is often called upon during times of conflict or when seeking to secure one's home or territory. He is invoked for protection from enemies, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual. Practitioners seek his assistance in building personal fortifications, both in a literal and metaphorical sense, to guard against negativity or harm. He is also called upon for guidance in matters of warfare or competition, providing insights and strategies to help navigate challenging situations. He can help with gaining knowledge about the past and the future, allowing practitioners to learn from history and to prepare for upcoming challenges.
Offerings to Sabnock reflect his dual aspects of protection and destruction. These may include materials symbolizing construction or defense-- such as stones, symbols of barriers, or tools-- and weapons (like knives or swords.)
Red or black candles (representing power and protection) are a common offering, as is sandalwood or dragon's blood incense, both of which are believed to enhance focus and fortitude. 
Practitioners use medicinal herbs to acknowledge his influence over both healing and illness. Rosemary and thyme, known for their protective properties, may be included in offerings. 
Sabnock responds favorably to rituals focused on protection, fortification, and security. He appreciates offerings that symbolize strength and defense. Given his warrior nature, he may favor practices that align with military or protective themes. He is said to dislike being ignored or improperly invoked during rituals: this can lead to unfavorable outcomes. He appreciates courage, integrity, and respect for the warrior's path. He may not respond well to practitioners who display cowardice or lack resolve. He may be unresponsive to cowardice, deceit, or to actions that undermine integrity. Practitioners are encouraged to approach rituals with a strong intention, a sense of purpose, and sincerity.
Practitioners report sensations of warmth or strength during rituals, as well as a sense of being shielded from harm. Some experience sounds like the clang of metal or the echo of hooves. His influence is empowering and protective, fostering resilience and strength in those who seek his guidance.

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