Raum | Andromalius | Bifrons | Halphas
Previous: The Marquises
Earl RAUM appears as a raven or a crow.
He counsels people to steal. He can bring money or treasures from any place, including from the houses of kings, and take what he steals to any place he is told.
He can reveal the locations of castles and cities, and destroy them. He can cause ruin to the dignities of men, can cause love between friends and foes, and can tell of all things past, present, and future.
While destructive by nature, Raum’s power can also be used for renewal, clearing away old things to make room for something better. Common offerings include:
Black or deep blue candles to represent destruction and transformation.
Coins or symbols of wealth, reflecting his connection to the redistribution of material goods.
Burnt paper or objects: items symbolizing the destruction of old patterns or relationships can align with his energy.
Sharp tools: these represent cutting ties or dismantling obstacles.
Items related to authority or fairness, such as broken chains or scales, may be appreciated.
Raum appreciates focused rituals aimed at dismantling corrupt structures or eliminating harmful relationships. He responds well to rituals performed with clarity and determined intent. Raum values precision. Approaching him without a clear purpose may frustrate him. Resisting the transformative effects of his work can lead to unintended chaos. Raum’s power is not easily harnessed for trivial purposes; asking for minor favors may invite backlash.
After invoking Raum, practitioners may notice abrupt changes or disruptions in their lives, notably tied to the areas they intended to influence. Secrets and concealed information may come to light unexpectedly, either through dreams, signs, or direct encounters. Raum’s influence can result in changes within personal, professional, or political hierarchies. Practitioners often report vivid dreams related to collapse, rebuilding, or symbols of justice after working with him. His presence may trigger feelings of urgency or a strong desire to take action.
Earl ANDROMALIUS appears as a man holding a great serpent.
His office is to bring back thieves and the goods that they stole, to discover all wickedness and underhand dealings, to punish thieves and other wicked people, and to reveal the locations of hidden treasures.
Suitable offerings include:
Silver coins or keys: these symbolize his connection to theft recovery and protection.
White or purple candles, aligning with purity, justice, and spiritual protection.
Frankincense or myrrh incense, to enhance focus and purify the ritual space.
Written requests or contracts: clearly-written petitions detailing the wrongdoing or protection needed are appreciated.
Andromalius is often linked with serpents, representing his ability to detect hidden dangers, and with silver, symbolizing justice and restoration.
He responds well to rituals focused on justice, truth, and protection from dishonesty. A focused, solemn ritual setting works best to engage his energies. Andromalius values honesty; working with him while harboring deceitful intentions can result in backlash. He is not suited for petty revenge or manipulation: invoking him for unfair purposes may backfire. Hasty or unprepared rituals may lead to weak or misaligned results.
Practitioners often report that hidden truths or lies come to light soon after invoking Andromalius. Many experience the unexpected recovery of lost belongings or stolen goods after working with him. His presence can feel like a protective barrier, often accompanied by a sense of calm and security. Some report dreams involving themes of theft, exposure, or judgment, often symbolizing the resolution of their situation.
Earl BIFRONS appears as a monster.
He grants knowledge of astrology, and is able to declare the exact positions of the planets. He has knowledge of herbs, woods, and precious stones. He teaches geometry, the mensurative arts, and other arts and sciences. He changes the locations of dead bodies, and lights candles on the graves of the dead.
Bifrons can change the appearance of objects, making him useful for magical concealment or enchantment practices. He uncovers hidden information, especially in spiritual or intellectual matters, and is useful for those seeking ancient wisdom. Suitable offerings include:
Graveyard soil or bones: these represent his connection to the dead and necromantic practices.
Objects related to learning or astrology align with his energy.
Black, deep purple, or navy blue candles reflect his ties to death, mystery, and the cosmos.
Myrrh or cypress incense: these scents are associated with funerary rites and spiritual communication.
Bifrons favors rituals with clear goals involving necromancy, astrology, or intellectual pursuits. He values seriousness: invoking him for trivial purposes will likely be ignored or produce confusing results. Rituals that lack reverence for the spirits of the dead may offend him. Bifrons works best in calm environments where practitioners can focus on spiritual or intellectual work. He prefers well-prepared, deliberate invocations.
Practitioners often experience vivid dreams involving spirits, stars, or ancient symbols after invoking Bifrons. He may inspire flashes of understanding, particularly about esoteric or intellectual topics. His energy is often described as quiet but eerie, like a distant observer from another realm. Many who work with him develop a fascination with funerary practices, celestial bodies, or ancient knowledge. Practitioners sometimes report unexplained lights or flickers after rituals involving Bifrons.
Earl HALPHAS appears as a pigeon, a stork, or a giant, mighty soldier.
He fortifies towns with weapons and ammunition, builds towers and sends men to war at the places appointed, carries one wherever one wills, and fetches anything one desires from any place speedily and without delay, whether those things be hills, mountains, castles, or any number of riches.
Halphas is invoked to strengthen defenses—physical, emotional, or spiritual—helping practitioners build barriers against attacks. He can dispatch spirits to act on the one's behalf, particularly in protective or offensive tasks. He grants endurance and focus during difficult situations, ensuring that practitioners remain patient and strategic. Halphas supports those working toward gradual victories, teaching persistence in complex, drawn-out conflicts. Common offerings include:
Iron nails, shields, or weapons: These represent his role in warfare and fortification.
Red, black, or steel-gray candles, symbolizing war, protection, and endurance.
Dragon's blood and patchouli incense align with his martial energy and persistence.
Symbolic offerings of strategic documents or diagrams, such as maps or battle plans, can resonate with him.
Halphas responds well to rituals focused on defense, strategy, or the destruction of enemies. He values thought-out plans and rituals that reflect discipline and intent. Halphas prefers structured, methodical invocations: rash actions will not align with his energy. Invoking him without proper planning or clear intent can result in frustration and failure. His work often requires time and persistence, so he may withdraw from those seeking immediate outcomes.
Practitioners who work with Halphas often find themselves more disciplined and prepared to endure long-term challenges. After invoking him, many feel emotionally or spiritually “shielded” from external threats. Practitioners often report vivid dreams related to battles or defensive structures after rituals, symbolizing progress in their conflict. Some report hearing faint sounds of hammering or building. Practitioners may also notice a shift toward more deliberate, tactical decision-making in both personal and professional matters.
Next: The Northern Court